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cd burning problems *again*

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This is frustrating, having cd burning problems again. Don't know what the problem is and have even did another clean-install of win2k with no luck.


Seems that the software, both Nero 5 and 5.5 are burning it fine, but it is not accessible. I noticed by visually checking the disk that it indeed has been burnt, but the coloring is lighter than a good burnt disc. Could it be possible that the laser is dirty or not giving out enough power? If so, how do I go at solving this?


Well, I will take this external HP burner home tonight and see if it is the SCSI card or just the Yamaha burner that is causing this problem.


In the meantime any ideas will be appreciated.

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Well, I tried to burn the disc using the HP external SCSI drive and it burns fine, yet the Yamaha is still not able to burn the disc. This is killing me. The Yamaha drive read perfectly the disc I made with the HP. frown

btw, I've burned about 150+ discs of the Yamaha before, it just suddenly died on me.

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You know, it's not unheard of for CD-RW drives to simply fail.

They normally do this about two days after the warranty runs out smile


Is it still under warranty?

If so, might be worth getting it RMA'ed.

If not, well a CD Laser cleaner might be the first port of call.

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Ive been warned not to do that, mainly because the brush will scratch up the writing lens, and you figure out the rest. Id try using some duster first to do stuff.

But hardware does up and die all of a sudden too...Have you tried the Yamaha on a different computer?

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I had a SCSI drivedo the very same thing on me this year. It was working fine, been burning CD's all day, then the last CD I gave it to copy onto it messed up, something abotu a device under run. 30 CDR's later I discover the stupid thing has snuffed it, after 2 years of use it finally gives up the ghost, I was really annoyed.


I tried it in 3 machines and got the same results. Some months later after I'd gotten a new drie I thought I'd dig out the old SCSI for something to do and see if I could get it going, and do you know what? The stupid thing started working again!!


Its not your SCSI card, me thinks its the drive, try stuffing it in another machine, but if you get the same results then the drive has had it.


Oh and don' belikeme and try it months later after you bought anew one, you might it still works, at the moment I've got a 4 Speed Panasonic CDR Drive that nobody wants to buy.



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I also heard that it's not so good to use a CD-Lens Cleaner Disc with a CD-Burner. But if the warranty is avoided, open your CD-Burner and clean it with these things you can use to clean your ears (sorry... I'm german *g* ... perhaps you know the word 'Wattestäbchen' ).

That's the best way I know to clean the lense... haven't killed a burner with that yet... but it didn't help me much, cause the problems of these ****in' things were always elsewhere...



okay... hope it'll help you

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Heh, after about 20 nice and shiny gold coasters I have laying around the apt. I decided to crack the burner open (since the warranty period was over, and I didn't send in the regestration card) and noticed a thin layer of gunk on the lens, grabbed a cotton t-shirt and cleaned it off, re-assembled it, test burned a multi-session disc, and guess what, it worked! hooray! I knew Yamaha didn't make crappy hardware considering I paid about 400 for it.


That thin layer of gunk would explain why the burn was so faint, and why it was still able to read and burn, guess it wasn't burning fully and perhaps missing some blocks as well.


Anyways, hope this helps anybody out there, whom like me, live in a rather filthy apt. :P

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