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This is MEGA serious ! (Explorer errors)

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I badly need some advice on this.


I've been working very solidly on a project on a machine for the last few days.


Dual 1ghz, 1gb Ram, 1 x Seagate Cheetah 9Gb, 1 x 18Gb SCSI Seagate Cheetah etc etc.


In W2K, in 3DS Max R4, went to save the file, and the application said, 'error writing to file'.


So I went to the Autobackup directory (in explorer)where the software saves a backup every ten minutes and tried to click on the backup file so that I could rename the extention to the .max file extension (autobackups are just extended .mx).


When I clicked on it, 'explorer' failed seriously, and said that I'd need to restart the application.


Well, to get to the point, I cannot EVEN single click on the autobackup file in explorer (though I can single click on other files in that directory).


When I try to do so, explorer fails.


And the ORIGINAL file that I was working on in 3DSmax has disappeared frown




I have the latest Antivirus from Mcafee and I have latest BlackIce as well.


I have a laptop on this little network, but even this machine does NOT like this file in the Autobackup directory (just single clicking on the file from the laptop causes the laptop to have a fit in Explorer.


I'm guessing that either;


I have a very new virus,

Or 3DSMax R4 has done a great job of corrupting my file structure (could be possible becuase I have noticed taht Max R4 is quite buggy),

OR my machine has overheated on the harddisk (not likely because it has a fan running over it - IonStorm).


Any ideas.......





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Please before anyone else cries (or says anything) ......


I did have a 'previous' autobackup file that I could open and continue working from but this error has caused me a delay of around 2 hours (in a VERY tight schedule).



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If you can click on other files in that directory, then I wouldn't say 3DS corrupted your directory structure. But it does sound like it pooch-screwed your file. If you have rebooted and the file still wont work, then I would just continue with a previous backup and delelte it later.

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Thanks Clutch,


I'm going to post some messages at Discreet's messageboard, see if others have had similar problems.

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