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netscape problem

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Every (I mean EVERY time) I try to open netscape it pops up and error message saying that netscape.exe has generated errors and is being closed by windows. It also says that an error log has been created. This is Netscape 4.76 by the way. I also cant seem to find the error that windows said it made. I look all throughout the event viewer but its not there. Could this be some ploy by Microsoft, I have recently updated my windows, or is my netscape f*cked up? I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling many times. I have run RegClean after I uninstall but nothing I know of seems to work. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

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Does IE to it to?

Are you on a dial up connection?

If you recently updated Windows, have you tried to undo the update?

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Ive heard regclean can cause problems if it deletes reg entries that actually are still used. Try reinstalling Netscape or Opera.

You should stay away from programs that delete stuff from your registry.

I have one program,RegCompact, that does anything directly with the registry, but all it does is defrag and compact it, but does not remove anything.

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I dont think that it is a problem with using regclean because this happenedd before I used it. And I oam on a T1 network, and IE doesn't do it. Just Netscape and sometimes but not very often opera. I would just go ahead and use IE but for one I don't like it (im not trying to start anything, I just perfer the others) and it is bothering me that this happens.

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