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exe files generate errors and will be closed

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I am running Windows 2000 professional. I have Internet explorer 5.5 installed.


My problem is that the .exe files of my favourite games, heroes3.exe and ctp2.exe do not work. When I click them I get an error message saying 'heroes3.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You need to restart the program'. Recently, windows explorer has been doing the same thing, ie crashing and giving me the same error message. I would really appreicate some help or any ideas you may have. I have tried reinstalling the games, but it doesn't help.


Please give advice,

thanks:( frown

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Id guess that something somewhere is corrupted, but I cant say where. If all else fails, you could do a reinstall, but lets not go there just yet. Got SP1 yet? Have you been using Norton Utilites or System Works? I would not use those again if you are, bad things (registry screw ups) come when you use most of the utilities.

Im not sure what it is, but Im definitely thinking that something got corrupted.

Also, did you recently add any new hardware, specifically a new stick of RAM?

Hope this gives you something to work with.

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Most of my exe has generated and error where related to copy protection on the game you are trying to play.


Abit VP6 Dual MB

Dual 1 Gig Intels

780 MB PC 133 Ram

3 46 Gig HDs Raid (stripped)

gefore 2 64mb ultra


12X burner

sb live


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I am also having this problem when I try to run certain games. I have been looking for a solution for a while now. Specifically Tomb Raider IV isn't working (exactly the same error message) could this be something to do with Norton 2001? Are you using this software? I found a site that said it had a patch for the game (http://home.t-online.de/home/kubrick/w2kgames.htm) but the rest of the site is in German and therefore I can't navigate it. Does anyone know anything about this? Microsofts own game support update for W2000 doid not help.


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Bizi_Bee I have found your patch to run Tombrader IV and the patch works heres the site http://www.winhelpline.com/index1.html you have to go to folder treiber und software and then software/treiber Download patch and you are done! there are other games patches there also check it out.

Regards Badboy laugh

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