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Should I use Windows 2000?

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I used Win2k on my previous PC (an Intel based box, and liked it a great deal), but have since upgraded and have had difficulties with it on my new PC (ATA100 stuff) and settled for Me, which is proving to be quite good.


However, given the amount of memory I have, before persevering with problem solving the issues around running Win2k, I'd like to know whether I would get more effective use of my system under Win2k than presently under Win2k. I primarily use my PC for gaming (and all my games do work under Win2k) and Internet use. My system is:


Athlon 1.2GHz Thunderbird

ASUS A7A266 motherboard - rev. 1.03, BIOS 1003b

(ALiMAGiK 1 chipset: M1647 Northbridge M1535D+ Southbridge)

350w Topower PSU

512Mb Mushkin PC2100 DDR RAM

Hercules Prophet II Ultra (64MB DDR)

2x WD Caviar 40 GB ATA100 hard drives (WD400BB)

16x Pioneer DVD-116

Iomega ZIP250

Hercules Game Theatre XP

Sony G500 21" monitor

LianLi PC12 aluminium case




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For the ATA100, there is a hotfix out for it, or if you have Service Pack 2, the ATA100 support is included. I would see about the hot fix though.

Also note that the ALi Magik chipset is a very new chipset and therefore may have some problems that need to be worked out.

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hmmm.....well, i would definitely get a better computer.....yeah, and give me the crappy one you've got now. smilesmile


but seriously, i would try win2k with SP2.



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I havent had problems so far, but SP2 is just recent, and Im not totally sure its fine, so proceed with caution. Ive seen a few people around here having probs with SP2 already, just a warning to you, otherwise I would say go for it.

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Its a better OS then anything out at the moment, in my opinion.


Use it. You will have problems. But that is what this forum is for smile




Clutch. Oops, I mean Card.

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Well my friend and i were talking the other day about the differences between top of the line and cutting-edge..


See Win2k is the top of the line OS right now because its tried and tested, meaning it has the support of many users and drivers and there is relatively nothing wrong with it.


Then you have WinXP which is cutting edge because it supports new technology, its faster, its more stable, application compatability support. But the downside is you have to put up with the cycle of beta process and things working then not working and having to hack things but you are on the cutting edge of technology so you have to pay the consequences for using that.


Then you have WinME which is bottom of the barrel i would rather use Win 3.1 than that piece of s.hit bad. It is flaky, unstable, crippled, unstable, flaky. Hmmm much like my last girlfriend.



So there you have it


top of the line - 2k

cutting edge - XP

bottom of the barrel bad - WinME

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Hey, thanks for the replies folks, do appreciate it.


I installed Win2k on Tuesday night and had a few problems (it does not like my internal zip drive), but after some experimentation, all works well now and my PC noticeably flies faster than under WinMe.


Now I'm a happy camper laugh


Thanks again.



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