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Cannot install W2K on C:

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I've been using W2K for a while now and recently purchased a third HD.


I wished to delete W2K from the C: partition which was on the 1st HD, and install it on the new 3rd disk, but when I go through the installation procedures I cannot get C: onto the 3rd HD.


The installation process always seems to take the 1st available partition (or logical drive) in the list and name THAT one as C:.


How can I get around this ??


For example, when I boot up the machine, it identifies each disk as;



6 Quantum 0

0 Seagate1 1

1 Seagate2 2


And it is the Quantum that I wish to install W2K onto.


BUT when I am in W2K, the Quantum is Disk 2, Seagate1 is Disk 0, and Seagate2 is Disk 1.


When I am the blue screen w2K install screen, again, the order is as I've described as above (i.e. Quantum is Disk 2, when I'd expect it to be disk 0 as described at bootup).


Please help. The only other way I can think of installing W2K onto the quantum is to open up the Case and disconnect the two seagates !



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I have a similar problem when trying to install 2K too. I usually just unplug the extra HDs while I install, then plug them back in after.


Oh, and you could try changing the SCSI IDs of the drives. *shrugs*. I think your gonna have to take the case off, unless there is some facility in the installer or something that I don't know about.



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Originally posted by lager_brains
The only other way I can think of installing W2K onto the quantum is to open up the Case and disconnect the two seagates !

That was exactly what I was about to suggest... smile

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