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motherboard compatibility

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Allright, I'm trying to install redhat 9, but it seems that a hardware component is incompatible. I had an Inetgrated ProsavageDRR KM266 with 32 megs of shared video memory. (I know, it stinks)

That seems to be incompatible with redhat. What will I have to do?

New video card? or a new motherboard? Any suggestion for a good alternative to what I have now that's compatible?


Thanks in advance. smile

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Yeah, the graphical interface wouldn't work.


I guess I'm going to buy a video card. I need an excuse ot get a new one anyway. Thanks for the help.

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If I may make a suggestion, choose Nvidia. They seem to be more Linux friendly than ATI, although I've not had much trouble with the two ATI cards I have used. smile

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Could you give me a specific model of video card that's not expensive but it's over 32mb?

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