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WinRoute Pro

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When using ICS, all incoming traffic is sent to all of the internal machines. There is little setup needed for a large number of programs to work.


However, ICS is, well, crap, and I now use WinRoute. The thing is, I have two machines that both need to use say MSN Messenger, but I can't map ports to two machines can I.


So..., anyone know how I can do that? pleeeeeease.. I'll be in your debt. smile



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I use winroute pro to share my cable modem, and i dont need to map any ports to use MSN messenger.


just enable NAT for the NIC that's connecting you to the net, and away you go.


DONT enable DHCP, instead manually assign an IP for each PC that's connecting, and make the connecting PC the default gateway.

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yeah from what he posted it should work. I know some people using a kinda diff setup and it works for them.

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Well, i'm not able to send files with MSN messenger, but that's cos its ghey :E


icq, irc, everything else works for sending files

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