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NFS5 locks up and eats memory?

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what would cause Need For Speed 5 to lock up at the title screen and eat up all your memory in Win2k? i think i have read about this issue before ... anybody have any suggestions?


Pentium III 800mhz

GeForce 2 GTS using ASUS 12.00 beta drivers

128mb PC100 SDRAM


Windows 2000 Pro - SP2

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Try Running in Win98 Compatibility Layer.



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he doesn't need to that ..even the guide on the home page said just do something w/ the gimme.dll file like rename it or delete it.

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It won't run with the Win95/Win98 compatability layer for me. I have to delete the gimme.dll file to run it.



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If you delete gimme.dll, you wont be to use the Multiplayer options to play the rest of the maps.



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i deleted the gimme.dll or whatever it was called (actually i just renamed it) and the game works now, i never had to delete this file before i got my GeForce 2 so it was an odd problem

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Deleting the gimme.dll never helped here. I lowered the page file to 320, that did the trick.

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yes, a simple workaround is just setting the swap file to a set size of say 300 or so.

works like a charm for me, even all the multiplayer maps smile

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I deleted the gimme.dll and the game loads fine and I can play Single player but I can't play Multiplyer mode. Like the game wound count down "3" "2" "1" then I get kicked back to desktop. Anyone else have this problem?? But this problem doesn't exist on my other Win98 machine. But the difference is that I don't have to delete gimme.dll file when I play on Win98. I was suspecting that I am getting kicked back to desktop in Multiplayer mode was because I don't have gimme.dll. Is there another way to load the game without freezing and leaving gimme.dll file alone??

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