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Novell Client for Win XP?

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Yes I know why the hell are you running Novell? smile Well I can't talk the boss out of changing to NT/2000 servers yet so I'm stuck with it...


Now XP comes with a so called Novell client but it doesnt keep the drive mappings correct so no matter which drive it is, it's allways shows the f: drive mapping. I have searched Novells KB but they make referance to get the NT/2000 client to work with in Beta 1. It does work in Beta 2.... Anyone else get it to work for them?


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Sounds like you are using Novell 5, as this issue seems to carry down all throughout the MS line of OSes using the MS version of the Novell client. I would *imagine* that it would install, but from what I remember about the client32s, they are VERY picky about almost everything that is installed on the local PC. If you have the time for a possible repair, then try installing the client. Otherwise, I would just try to limp along without the client at all until more "official" word comes out from Novell.

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Hey, there is nothing to be ashamed, if you are using Novell NetWare 5+ and/or Novell eDirectory with ZEN Works.


Sure makes my job much easier ... in a few years, M$ MIGHT make Active Directory competitive with Novell's eDirectory ... but only competitive with TODAY'S version of eDirectory laugh

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Right now we are using 5.1 but with the secuity problems where having (I work for a public school district). We are looking at getting ZenWorks to help with that problem... In fact on Weds. where going to another school district to see it in action. We did buy Zenworks when it 1st came out, but it was so new then support for it was for crap so we trashed it. And now that my boss has more or less put it in my hands now, that it might actually get used this time laugh

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You can download ZEN 2 Starter Pack for free use from Novell (http://webapps.novell.com/cgi-bin/custom...s_en&TEXT=0).


It does most of the stuff of the full-blown version, minus remote control/view functionality.


The current version, ZEN 3, has some new functionality, including remote imaging of workstations.


At the University of Dayton, we are primarily a NetWare shop. We've used ZEN 2 successfully on a limited basis, but we are upgrading to ZEN 3 in a month or so.


We currently have over 2000 student workstations in the tree, with another 2000+ on their way in August; we use remote control when possible to service the student PC's when they have problems. And unlike other "solutions" like VNC, this uses eDirectory for authentication and does not send username/passwords in cleartext over the wire.

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