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Partition Magic Troubles

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I cannot run Partition Magic in win2000. When I try to load it, during the splash scree I get a message that says:


"Acess Violation at address 005EDE22 in module 'PMagicNT.exe'. Write of address 00000004."


I click OK and another error box comes up, all it says is: "EAccessViolation".


I click OK again, and Partiton Magic shuts down. It won't load at all. All the periferal applications work fine, PartitionInfo works, I can creat the boot disks, etc, but the main app won't load.


It's bugging me a great deal.


Any thoughts?



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Everything should work fine the versions are:

Windows 2000 Pro SP2


Partition Magic 6.0


An update though, I made the bootdisks, cause I discovered that they are actually a fully functioning version of Partition Magic. I went to use them and discovered that for some reason, the last time I fdisked my hard drive it appears to have formatted 2 clusters too many, and the formatted drivespace is too close to the physical end of the drive. So I can't use the disks either.


Does that mean this is now a hardware discussion?

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Ok. Sounds like problems.


It's best to start again. It's easier to format a drive to fat 32 first and let Win2k convert it to NTFS.


I suggest you boot from a Windows98/ME start up floppy. Run fdisk and start again.


Try and get Partition magic 6.1 It has better NTFS support. I used 6 and had problems.






"I know the pieces fit because I watched them fall away"


Sometimes I feel like Harry Manback.

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I guess at this point it doesn't really matter, but do you know what caused this to happen?


I did everything exactly the same as the last format I did, and this didn't happen.

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No Idea really.


Perhaps it is the bios's recognition of the hdd. Is it set to LBA? It should be. If you used a third party disk partitioning program like seagates you may have had problems. I don't know, creating partitions is a really iffy area. There is quite a lot that can go wrong.


I just follow a standard procedure myself and have never had any problems. Actually, I lie. I have had problems going from NTFS back to FAT(32).

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This is my setup, so it shouldn't have caused a problem:


In the BIOS the drive is set as LBA


FDisked the drive to largest possible capacity


Used the Windows 2000 setup to format the partition to NTFS before it installed the OS.


That is the method prefered by Microsoft, so I figured it should work.


I guess the problem ocurred during the fdisking then? How do I ensure it won't happen again?

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The partition limits would be set by the version of NTFS you are using. Win2000 formats to NTFS version 5.0 (I believe, don't quote me) and NT4 uses NTFS 4.0(again don't quote me smile )


As far as I know the partition limits for NTFS 5.0 is something like 128 Gigabytes, so my little 15Gb drive is well within the parameters.


I'm just hesitant to fdisk my drive right away. For one, that means rebuilding my programs twice within a month, and second, I'm not sure the exact same problem won't happen again. If fdisk caused this, and I used it correctly (which I did), then it stands to reason that the same problem will arise a second time.


Anyway, thanks for your assistance so far, it's been helpful

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