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WinNT CD With Integrated Service Pack?

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Is there a way to create a Windows NT CD with the service pack already integrated like you can for Windows 2000?


The FAQ says how to do it for Win2K here, but I'm not sure if the same procedure would apply to WinNT 4.0:



It's not a huge thing but it would make some things easier for me.


Also, can you install IIS 5.0 on WinNT 4.0, or is IIS 5.0 only for Windows 2000?

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You can't "slipstream" the NT 4 CD Image, and IIS 5.0 only works on/comes with Win2K.

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this is a basic "how to". If memory serves me right, these are the necessary steps:


1. copy the contents of the CD into a directory of a drive different to the drive WinNT is being installed on (preferrably FAT). We´ll call the drive and directory D:\WinNTCD


2. extract all the files of the service pack into a folder of your choice. let´s assume we call it D:\SPDIR


3. go to the folder you extrcated the service pack into and look for the "i386" directory. go into that directory, highlight all the files, right click and choose "copy"


4. go to the directory you copied the files from the CD to. there should be an "i386" directory, too. go into that directory.


5. right click and choose "paste" to copy the files from the service pack into the "i386" directory of "D:\WinNTCD", overwriting all existing files.


6. reboot your system using a DOS bootdisk, change to the WinNTCD directory and install NT.

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I believe that there are new features/settings in the service packs that simply copying over the files in that manner wont initialize. In addition, I don't think that the setup would be updated either, therefore I don't think any HAL related enhancements would be brought to light. So, the best bet would be to install NT, and then install the service pack.

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