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HELP, Restored Win2k w/Drive Image, can't log in

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I just restored my Dual boot setup using Drive Image. Everything went fine, no errors or anything, but I can't log into Win2k Pro.

It accepts my password and I hear the little windows jingle then it says "saving your data" like I'm logging on as a different user. I did also try to log on as other users but I get the same results.


I'm in Win98 of the same system now, and all the Win2K files look to be OK.


Any ideas on how to fix this?



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well try logging in under safemode and seeing if that does it. Other than that the only thing to do is run a repair install.

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OK, I get the same thing with safe mode. Tried the repair install, nothing was found wrong, if it let's you know, and I still get the same problem.

Any other ideas?



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Got it fixed laugh

Found this article at the MS support site.

Just ran FDISK /MBR and system is up and running with no problems.

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