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Microsoft and AOL Partnership?

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Microsoft, AOL consider new alliance Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001

Microsoft, AOL consider new alliance Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001
America Online and Microsoft are in preliminary discussions to revise their long-standing partnership agreement, a move that could see renewed cooperation between the technology giants after a period of apparent discord.

Hmmm, is this the beginning of the end? I thought XP Activation was bad, if Windows starts to become bloat-ware like Netscape, i'll ditch it. What do you think?

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Man, I hate to think how this will end up. Another reason to consider Linux right now. I'm not sure what's worse: this evil alliance or the activation crap. Here's the dark side of the force: Microsoft + AOL.

I'm beginning to think MS isn't targeting any of the power users anymore and just Joe Schmoe the first time computer user. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to make Windows easier to use, but it seems that this is at the expense of power toys. If this is the route MS is going with Windows, then hello Linux!

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The last thing that I read was MS will probably bundle AOL 6.0 with WinXP. Not that I am entirely concerned, as I don't plan on using XP anyway. I think I will just wait for Blackcomb to come out before I switch to another MS OS.

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Maybe I'm wrong here, but didn't AOL 6.0 screw up some computers?

Anyway, clutch, it's good to see I'm not alone on not going to XP. I've found it to be sub-par to Win2k. Just the way things are in XP just turns me off. I have a friend who stuck with 95 for the longest time, and my dad finally convinced him to go to 98 for better hardware support. Now he's stuck on 98, and probably will be for a long time.

Rehash of what I said earlier: XP seems to be geared toward newbies, but it doesn't have that feel for a power user. I just get bad vibes off of XP in general. + AOL...EEEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!! 8) *shudder*

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I am not entirely sure if XP will be only geared for newbies or not. I did use "classic" mode, and it was much nicer. The reason why I don't intend on going to it is that it doesn't offer anything that I can use. Stability isn't an issue for me, and neither is compatiblity. If it was much faster, then I might consider it. 2462 wasn't that great, and I am sure that it will change a lot by the time it is released. However, I don't get the feeling that it is going to be any better for my needs than Windows 2000.

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