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Everything sharing same IRQ in Win2K

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All my cards are sharing the same IRQ, even the video card. Is this normal or can I change it?

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You really should try the search feature of this forum!


It's perfectly normal, look it up.

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Why all your cards are sharing the same IRQ's is because you have ACPI enabled. As long as everything is working ok and you have no conflicts best thing is to leave well alone. You can change this by going into device manager and changing computer to standard PC reboot you will also have to disable acpi in the bio's if your bios allows this ! but then you might have to do a bit of card shuffling to get everything running happily together some cards can share IRQ's and some cant it is possible but sometimes best alone !!!

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This question should really be in the Win2K FAQ. In fact, I'm surprised it isin't already.



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Thanks for the response. I did a little digging around after I posted the message, should've done that first. It just caught me off guard at first.


Thanks again

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