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Ie Question

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Hi I'm using internet explorer 5.5 and notice that when I scrole through a page it dosen't move smoothly, it's rather jumpy. Has anyone else had this problem? It's not a big problem I was just wondering if there was a quick fix.


I'm running well with in my graphic cards limits

Matrox G 400 32 MEGS @ 16 BIT color 1280x1024







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Thanks Cardinal.



But smooth scrolling is enabled.If I scroll through a page, expecially page with a lot of text and pictures, it dosen't scroll smoothly.








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The name is rather deceiving. Smooth scrolling actually messes up the smoothness of scrolling. Turn it off and see if it is better. 75% chance that it is.

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Ya, it depends on the system somewhat too. On my computer at work it don't work worth a damn, but on my puter at home it works pretty good.

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Thanks to everyone. I disabled smooth scrolling and it works perfict.


Cheers:D laughlaugh

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