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Winmgmt.exe error in win 2k

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As soon as windows 2k starts up, i start receiving weir program errors about every minute about some program called Winmgmt.exe. This gets annoying especially when im in a game and it keeps tabbing out every minute. Can someone please help me

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Hi, this is a common issue in W2K and is generally caused by problems with extensible counters or with the performance library dredger. There's a pretty wide variety of these errors, however, so you should probably post the exact error messages being reported in the Event Viewer so that we can fit the advice precisely to the problem you're having.




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hey, this is the exact message it posts on event viewer:

Event Type: Error

Event Source: Service Control Manager

Event Category: None

Event ID: 7031

Date: 6/8/2001

Time: 12:56:19 PM

User: N/A



The Windows Management Instrumentation service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 60000 milliseconds: Restart the service.

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Hmmm. That's the first time I've seen the "terminated unexpectedly" message refer to WMI itself -- EXCEPT for a case that I'm sure that doesn't apply to you. (This machine isn't a domain controller, is it?)


So, I guess we have to look for other errors (Is that the ONLY error message in the Event Viewer? No other errors listed in either the Applications or the System log in the Event Viewer?), OR we need to consider the possibility of configuration problems. Any information regarding text format (blue screen) errors or services that fail to start or any unusual devices or services you have running on the system might be helpful to us. Also, any indications of problems with devices in the Device Manager could be helpful.


Like many people running W2K I've seen some error messages regarding WMI before on SOME systems, but they all referred, as I said before, to specific extensible counters or the performance processing library (perfproc.dll). The errors on the test machines here seemed to have been reduced in scope by SP1, and they seem to have been eradicated by SP2. Let me explain that by saying that there were two machines here, a desktop and a notebook, that gave a variety of WMI-related errors when they were first given clean installations of the original W2K in February of last year. The fix for these issues was easy. I either disabled the culprit counters or I changed collect times from the defaults, and the messages went away. The behavior of the WMI features improved enough after SP1 that I was able to return some of the disabled counters to functionality and also to re-instate default collect timeouts on others. When I installed SP2 on them I noticed a real improvement in the responsiveness and general behavior of both of these systems, even though neither was a slouch to begin with. I decided to try a clean install of W2K with SP2 and a total system rebuild for each of the machines. The result? Absolutely no WMI errors on these systems have occurred, and this is with no change whatsoever from the original device driver complement. (I wanted to eliminate an improvement in device drivers as the possible explanation for the improved behavior of the systems.) No disabling of counters or registry editing has been neceessary on either machine.


So, if you're not updated to SP2, I'd suggest considering up[censored] the OS. And another consideration would be the possibility of running a repair installation of W2K. However, I think you should try to figure out just what is going on with the system first, in case there's a configuration or device problem that might occur again at some point.




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