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Brian Frank

SiSoft Sandra 2001SE BSOD on exit...

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I do have an OC'd system, but it does it regardless the speed, and everything else runs fine.


I have an MSI 694D Pro-AR and am using the Promise FastTrack ATA100 PCD 20265 on-board controller with the latest BIOS from MSI. The BSOD names the evian.sys file from the Win2k drivers for the FastTrack controller as the culprit. I went to Promise website to check out their drivers, but they said not to download them if you had an onboard controller.

Also, the Promise controller has the FastTrack Lite BIOS ver. 1.31 build 16.


Other system specs:

P3 667

Voodoo 3 3000 AGP

Western Digital 17.2GB ATA66 5400RPM on FastTrack

Linksys 10/100 NIC

Toshiba 12xDVD--primary master on chipset IDE

Panasonic 32x CD--secondary master on chipset IDE

Chipset is Via Apollo Pro 133A (694DP Northbridge+686A Southbridge)


Any thoughts?

I have the latest drivers for the controller off MSI's website, but they are from last year.

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Brian! I had the exact same message, I'm surprised you did not see that thread as it was recent. Someone (sorry to forget who it was) suggested my ram might be at fault. And sure enough, it was the cas settings in my bios. I have three settings, cas latency etc. I had set them to 2 when the default is 3 figuring if it was stable I could pull some more speed from my system. Since putting the CAS settings back to 3 I have no longer had that problem. Give it a go.


Take care Brian.

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What evian.sys file? I have never heard of this.


What is it?


Also, Brian how did you go?

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The evian.sys file is only with the NT/2k drivers for the Promise FastTrack100 with RAID. The normal Promise ATA100 controllers w/o RAID do not have this file. I don't know what it's supposed to do, but it just was screwing things up. All I had to do was start Sandra and then exit out and it would BSOD, and it was the only program that would do anything like this.

As far as things go, it's running smoothly with the overclock. I didn't have to up the voltage too much, just 0.1 volts from the default voltage keeps it running smoothly. It runs anything without crashing or lock-ups so far as I can tell. Unreal Tournament and Serious Sam run without problems, though the Voodoo 3 is getting a bit long in the tooth for Serious Sam.

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I have posted here and when I run SiSoft I get the BSOD. There is an address error with the udf.sys file? I have loaded SS 7.50 so I am confused as to why? Got any advice?

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That udf.sys file just needs to be updated/reinstalled. There is a specific file for that one from Roxio/Adaptec. Utimately the fix came from going to the 1007 bios on my Asus A7V motherboard, but that won't help you if you don't have one. wink Getting the udf.sys update fixed things for me when I had that popping up, although it wasn't with Sandra.

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I have an HP burner and have the update I think that you are talking about. Could you post a link.



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