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HELP PLEASE! Trying to make program a service

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Hi there. I have a ADSL line and the internal modem in my server. Running Windows 2000. But everytime I need to log off into another user name the line goes down with the log out. Is there a way... to maybe make the dialup program for my DSL a service? So that it will stay online when I logout? Cause I don't have a static ip (cause I cant afford it) and every time I log out, and sign back on to my DSL line the ip changes. Then I have to update the DNS servers at register.com to reflect my new ip address for my webserver.


Help if you can! Please!



ICQ is 51620111


website is www.megabytemike.com


Thank you in advance!

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www.firedaemon.com - don't know if you can get your dsl on this, but this program is probably your best bet....


BUT.... DNS servers should ALWAYS be on a static IP address - even if you are very faithful about up[censored] the domain record, as those kind of changes do not immediately take effect... if you just mean that the web server is changed, then you should look into one of those dynamic ip forwarding services, most of which are free...

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Yeah well I connect to my DSL through the Windows Dial-Up Connections thing. That works but it is not an exe I dont think so I cannot get it to work. Do you have any ideas there?


And it's kind of hard to explain. Register.com is where I registered my domain name megabytemike.com. I am hosting my website for use with megabytemike.com on my server at home with my DSL. My DSL uses a dynamic ip address. I would like to get a static ip so I don't have to change the ip on register.com's DNS servers every time my ip changes. Unfortinatly I cannot afford a static ip as it requires I upgrade my connection from my $50 a month now to a $110 a month. Which I cannot afford now. So I am stuck with a dynamic ip.


I have heard of these ip forwarding systems. Although I do not completely understand how they work. Would you be as so kind to explain it to me?


I thank you for your help, you have been very helpful so far. Thank you. I look forward to a response from you soon.


Michael Gregory (HELLBRINGER)

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Dynamic forwarding services kick a$$. I use TZO (www.tzo.com), and it works quite well. It's a client that will run as a service, and constantly updates the TZO name servers as to your current IP. It also works through routers (I use a Linksys router on my RoadRunner cable connection) without any issues. I have my own domain name with which I host my web/ftp servers along with 2 terminal servers, and MS Exchange 2K. All work fine.

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Cool. So you have a dynamic ip address? Well where I update register.com is a cgi browser based update. How can I update info on their server without a browser? Know what I mean? It's like checking your mail online on a service that only allows browser mail checking and not pop3. That's similar if you know what I mean.


So can this ip forwarding system work for me? The only problem is. Doesnt it take servers 24-72 hours to update to the change? I dont completely understand it but I have a jist of it. I am doing all I can do. Any other ideas helpful. Lets see if we cant get more on this idea though I like it so far.



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Well, there are a few pieces I think you are missing in the DNS puzzle. Here's the breakdown:


A. You have a domain name that is registered (hellbringer.com)


B. When you register a domain name, the domain name service wants to know what your NAME SERVER IP(s) is. A name server is a DNS server, but it holds all relevant info about your domain (and, sometimes, many others as in the case of TZO.com). A name server is like a traffic cop; somebody on the net asks where HELLBRINGER.COM is, and that goes to a DNS server. Then, the DNS server looks up your NAME SERVER which has HELLBRINGER.COM's IP on it (it would also have stuff like mail.hellbringer.com, ftp.hellbringer.com, etc. if you register sub-domains as well). The IP info goes back to the client, and then it can connect to your HELLBRINGER.COM server.


C. The average DNS server that you see is just a request hunter. It may not even know where microsoft.com is, but it can find the "traffic cop" (NAME SERVER) that does know and will bring the info back to you.


Now, what TZO does, is they host name servers that get updated all the time by these little clients. That way, when a DNS server somewhere on the net wants to know where HELLBRINGER.COM is, it gets the request, and looks up the last IP that it was sent by the client on your computer.


I hope this clears it up a little better.

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Yeah I already understood that though just didnt clarify it. When I think about it I understand it better.


But there are multiple DNS servers right? Thats where I get confused. Each ISP has their own DNS serer right? Cause I noticed... That when I change my ip and tell register.com's DNS servers what my new ip is. My local ISP (Qwest.net) gets updated before my friends Micron ISP and AOL ISP get updated. They all get updated at different times, because each ISP has their own DNS server right? But I only have to tell the master DNS server, (the one with all my info on it, and the one I update if my ip changes) that I have to update.


But anyway... I got an idea of all that now. I just need to make my dial-up DSL connection able to dial up without being logged on. Like being a service. But this program will only do exe's. How do I get my connection startup program to be an exe? Can I tell this program to load a connection in my network connections?


Thank you.

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Yeah same deal there. Just no GUI. But I need to know if I can run my dialup connection as a service. I cannot find an exe for it. What can I do?

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that seems like the same thing as firedaemon but without the UI FD has and it costs money where srvany and firedaemon are free.

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Yeah that too...


I need to get dial-up networking to start as a service. But I cannot find an exe for it. And what if there isnt? Then what do I do?

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That program appears it will work perfect for what I need! Except I get an error when starting the app.


[Title Bar] ISP Features Disabled


[Message] Could not find RNAAPP.EXE, necessary for ISP use.


[OK button]


What is this about? This program was for Win95 right? Well will it work right with Win2k? Are there any programs out there just like this, that work with Win2k?


Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. I almost have my problem solved. This program being an EXE I can use my other program FireDeamon to start this program as a service so my DSL can always be on if Win2k is running. I just need to get this this working though.

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