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Auto login for Win2k server?

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Can I autologin to Win2k server? Or does the security features prevent that? I took off the CTRL - ALT - DEL requirement in local policies. But cant find anything for auto login like in Wink2 Pro.


Can this be done? Can a program be downloaded for it?

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I personally use win2kpro, and to get the auto login, i set up my profile as Administrator WHITHOUT any password; i think it should perform the same on win2k server edition... try it and tell me

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I doubt very much as though there would be an autologin optiion for Win2k Server - as this would be amazingly insecure!


If you're using W2K Server as a server, there is no need to login apart from for administration tasks.

If you're using W2K Server as a workstation, why not use the workstation version (ie Win2k Pro) instead?



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The autologin thing is just a key in the registry for 2K Pro, and isn't Pro and Server like the same code just with different keys set? like with 3.51? So you should beable to have it autologin no problem.


Is the option not there in TweakUI?

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Ok well I am using it as server. And I don't want admin account with no password to auto login because I dont want an insecure access to an admin account. I will check out Tweak UI though I think that will work now that I think about it.


Thanks guys!

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TweakUI works fine in Win2K Server. You will have to be an admin to set it up, I think, though it should be able to auto-log-in any user.



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Ok yeah it does cool thanks guys.


See if you can help me on my other problems. I am having lots of them.

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