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ICQ GroupWare Server wont start!

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Win2k Server. My ICQ GroupWare Server will not start up! I turned off firewall and that still doesnt work. Anyone have any ideas?

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Still doing the same thing. I have even restarted the system, and restarted. I saw somewhere on the ICQ forums about something about SMS 2.0. What is this and can I use it to fix my problem?

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You use the ICQ it come with you can't use full blow ICQ

the two are diff.

The one your try to use is made for instide a LAN only set it up is pain in butt.

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Huh? I didnt get what you are saying.


I want it in my LAN only. I only want to instant message chat with people inside my LAN. I just cant get the server to start on my server. The ICQ server will start on my personal system, but not on my server. And I want it on my server because it is on 24/7 unlike my system. But there must be a service, or something on my server not allowing the ICQ server to run. I turned off the firewall but that is not the problem. I allowed Zone Alarm (my firewall) to let ICQ be a server.


This is ICQ GroupWare Server. Not ICQ it self, just the server. The client ICQ Groupware is on all other workstations through out the LAN.


The server will work on my computer, just not the server. But I need it on the server, not my computer.


Thank you. Michael Gregory.

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Check in the event log - you may be able to find a hint as to what's the problem...

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Good idea. I will go do that now and come back if I cannot fix the problem. I forget that that thing is there, very convienent really.



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SMS 2.0 is Systems Management Server 2.0 from MS (www.microsoft.com/smsmgmt) and I don't think it would help you. It does a great many things though, so if you want to check it out follow the link.

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I'm sure there is something that I could use it for I am unaware of right now or is not an issue right now. I will check it out.


Ok... I looked at the event viewer. I don't know if what I am guessing is correct but it seems very close to my problem.


Yesterday I did install the ICQ server on my computer just to see how it worked. I then uninstalled it from my system so I could put it on my server since I liked the program. When I put it on the server it would not start a server for some reason like mine would.


After looking through the event log. It appears the program on my server is having a conflict with my computer. As if my computer still had the program running on it. But I uninstalled it. I have yet to check my task manager and program folders but I will.


This whole thing started because I am looking for a local LAN chat program. Something easy to use and very simple. Like ICQ, or AIM. But only for my network. Like Novell Messeging on Novell networks.


If anyone has any prorgams that will work well for what I need let me know. I still have more programs to look through with my search through download.com I do like this ICQ though and it is a good idea. I'd like to see if I can get this to work.


Now you know what I am tring to do.


Thank you for your help. I hope I can get this all working. Thanks again.

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Ok I went through my system and deleted all the files related to the ICQ server. But that doesnt seem to fix the problem...

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