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XP won't install

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After the first reboot, after it asks if I have any 3rd party SCSI controllers, it says "Starting Windows XP". But then it just stays at that screen forever. The numlock light won't even go off (good test to see fi your computer is frozen).


Any ideas on why this is happening?

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ive had problems with the installer and swaping out my vid card helped.

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I got the same thing here!

I got an Abit BH6 (rev. 1.0) motherboard with a Maxtor 20Gig HD

When I use another harddrive it works!

But not with the Maxtor once, and I have to use the Maxtor one..

Can someone help me?


VERY urgent!

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Had the same problem, disabeld virus protection in bios.

On first boot whent into safe mode, then back to "normal", worked fine ever since.

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I'm going to explain my problem(s) in details:

While trying to install Windows XP, still in the first DOS portion of the installation, when I see 'Setup is starting Windows XP...' nothing more happens

my system hangs, nothing I can do (numlock stays on, no way to get it off etc. .., ctrl+alt+del neither...)

When trying it with an older 600Mb HD, it works fine...


I have the *same* problem while trying to install Windows2000 with a slipstream'ed Windows2000 CD with SP1 or SP2.


I can't install SP1 & SP2 in any way at all by the way...



I really need a fix for this...



Thanks a lot!

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I was reading the other day about someone that burnt a copy of the trial XP and they had similar problems. They put the entire contents of the CD into a folder called "XP" and burnt it to the CD that way, this is what caused the problem. After that reboot it has to get to the d:\i386 directory and it can't do that because the path is changed. Probably isn't your scenario but I figured I would post it anyway.

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ok, i got it to get past that, now it is giving me some crc error about \i386\asms.



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ok, i got it to get past that, now it is giving me some crc error about \i386\asms

You need to burn the CD with disk-at-once and fix disk after burn

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those "Setup is starting blah blah" errors are not a result of the OS, it happens with all versions of NT, just depends that's all.

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