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Hey I really need some help here,


I put together a computer a little while ago. Its a biostar m7mke motherboard (via chipset) with 950 mhz athlon, 256 mb pc133 ram, geforce3, and an sblive (the network adapter is USB). Anyway it worked well with Windows ME for a while (I made it back in Feb), but a few months ago everything got messed up, I later figured out it was a virus. So after getting that off I got my copy of XP and so I completely erased ME (save one folder that I needed) and pretty much clean installed XP (yes I even got rid of the hidden files). So that work great for a while. Then a few weeks ago, I'd get a constant string of blue screen errors (Irq not less or equal, page fault something, STOP, and a few more) a few minutes after booting into XP. I thought it was either virus or an XP thing. So again I cleaned everything from my drive expect for my one folder. Well since then I havent been able to install ANY sort of windows. Windows 98 screws up on install, ME always screws up on boot (5 blue screens like in a row, some due to VMM and general protection faults) and XP can never install either. So here im thinking its a virus so I go get a new harddrive to see if it is. Nope still cant load windows, so theres no virii. Then I take out my sound card, get a new video card and set the bios to default settings. IT STILL DOESNT WORK. So the only thing it can be is the motherboard Im thinking. Is this right??? I havent had a computer at home for a good 3 weeks, can someone please help me out? I would go buy another motherboard....but they'll charge a restocking fee if it doesnt work and I need to return it. Someone please please help me. I really dont want to have to take it to digilink. (all thats in the computer right now is the mb, chip, and AGP video card (I tried a pci too and it wouldnt even go into any setup programs)).



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Have you ever tried formatting the drive? Maybe just delete the partition(s), and start all over. I always format between installs, so that may be the next logical step. Also, some viruses do work their way into the boot sector. Just keep that in mind.

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Yep, when I got the new harddrive I partitioned and formated it. And it didnt work with that harddrive so I figure thats not the problem, and I also used a virus scanner to check the boot sector and its suppoesed to be clean :(:(

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I'm thinking it needs to be repartitioned and formatted again. What did you use to partition it? FDISK? Partition Magik? If you used Partition Magik then remember you have to set the partition active.

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