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Radeon 8500LE Install Issues

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Hello, I have had problems installing the Radeon 8500 LE lately. Of course why else would I be here ya know. I had it perfectly installed on my last kernel, then added a kernel update from Redhat and it wiped the driver, any attempt to rebuild and initalize the driver from there on would not work, so I used the old kernel. After a while i decided to go to 2.4.20-28 from redhat but that didnt want to boot for some reason, so I downloaded 2.4.24 which I am currently using.

I can not uninstall the radeon drivers, it says they are not installed. I can not install them without using force, because it says they are installed. I have forced it a few times to see if that would work, and each time tried to use the make.sh and make_install.sh and according to it, it should work fine and dandy. The Flglrxconfig runs fine, but, it will not use the opengl drivers that radeon supplies, it uses the Mesa3d drivers that are default. Changing the settings in gnome display doesnt work either. Any ideas on how to get it to use the correct opengl drivers?


Thanks in advance


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