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Gambler FEX online

BSOD when watching mvovie

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I get BSOD when watching movie with windows media player in winXP, in all the builds I can remember I have tried. Even now with the 2486, I have this hardware setup.


It works well playing MP3, midi or wav, just not any movies. Movies in games work (Baldurs gate 2 for instance)..


Geforce 2

2x p3 700

asus p2b-ds

either sb live or a GTXP dont matter


anyone else encoutered this or am I the only one?

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bsod? dunno wut that is, but my movies r stuttery when watching them in full screen. mebbe it's cuz of codecs added after install? still can't seem 2 get all video types 2 werk, yet.

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yes those terminologies or what they are called are confusing if you dont know what they mean.


bsod is short for blue screen of death, which there are no escape from. your computer is hardlocked and you have to press the reset button.

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