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Making Reg file with Current Path

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Hi Guys,


If I export a registry file that has a path as


InstallDir "C:\ABC\DEF"


Now I want to change the reg file such that when I import that reg file, the path in InstallDir should be of the folder where the reg file exists


How can I accomplish that?



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I might be missing what your question is, but you can edit the file using notepad to reflect whatever value change you require.

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Thanks for replying..


Ok It is like this


I have a game that I want to save on CD. I have exported its registry entry in file, Set.reg


Now the reg file contains an InstallDir field with the value C:\Games\NBA


I will save this file in the NBA Directory. Now I zip the NBA folder and burn the zip on CD.


Now when I unzip the game from CD to some other folder not the above one, lets say C:\NBA the registry would not correspond. Therefore, I want that when I import that reg file from that new folder, it should change that


InstallDir value to the folder it resides in, namely C:\NBA


Thats basically it!



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I would just manually edit it if I change installation directories.

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I believe that there is way to do that.



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I Guess yo can use variables and such if you use another batc process to do it, but I do not see the necessity. Being honest. I am not sure haw the .reg files are handled either so above hypothesis might be totally rubbish.


Stick to what clutch said. or go out and Buy the NBA CD! You can Clone CD it if you really wish to. Just dont tell us about it.

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