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Gambler FEX online

The search dog gotta go

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he is just using up valuable space, and he's ugly too. I used to have my windows like this (long), but now the search dialogue is not immediately available. I have to sroll a lot, then choose what to search for, then discover I cant type anything and then resizing the window. I dont of course use HTML enabled folders because of the way my explorer windows are sized.




Listen, it would be much better to have it the old way it was with win2k, just with an addition: it remember where you searched last when launching it form the start menu (in my case, all harddrives). When lauched from an explorer window, it just searches from that current location.


Simple and easy, making this more complex to supposedly make it more easy is NOT the way to go, less is more.

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you can kill the dog man. I think you just right click on him and hit hide.

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I think his point is that even if you wanted to use the dog, he doesn't make anything easier and takes up space, thus making searching even MORE of a pain.


In light of that, I'd say either fix it up so there's room for him or just ..em...put him to sleep and be done with it =]

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Kinda a silly move by MS to include it really. I mean they've only just got rid of that damn paperclip!!

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