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Insufficient system resources to complete the requested serv

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Win2000-Pro. APM turned off at Bios level. Screen saver set for 10 minutes, monitor Shut down and HD Shut down set from within Control Panel's Power Option at 20 minutes and 30 minutes respectively.


After about 4 hours, hit space-bar to bring up screen. Clicked on Internet Explorer and received the following error message: "Insufficient System Resources to complete the requested Service". Tried to open <Programs> from <Start>; could only Shut Down and reboot!


(Previous Post) Have auto shut down and reboot problem that appears to be based on a Logitech filter driver lmouflt2.sys. Earlier this morning Logitech hinted at a possible problem with v. 9.24 of their MouseWare software and suggested I uninstall their software. Done!


Prior to removing the lmouflt2.sys driver, the system used to go into an immediate reboot and chkdsk after sitting idle for awhile. Now that I've uninstalled the MouseWare software and are using MS default drivers for my mouse, we get this "Insufficient..........." message if the system is left to sit idle for several hours.


Any ideas? Our second PC, set up almost identically to this one, has no problems at all using the MouseWare Software.

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Found the problem...........


SDetect.exe, a scan detection file that was loaded as part of the scanner software that came with my MicroTek scanner, was sucking up all the resources. Removed the exe file. System and scanner play well together now.

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