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QuickTime on WinXP...

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Sorry for posting this here, but I dunno if the other sections gets checked at all. Anyways, I installed QuickTime 5.0 PRO on RC1, every .mov file is very slow and no audio, I guess QuickTime doesnt work with WinXP atm at all?

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i havent had any problems with quicktime in XP. Ive used it since XP was in pre-beta stages and its worked fine.

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you bother to run any other movie files in WMP or something just to see that it could be the drivers or something instead and not QuickTime


if it's not QuickTime, and it happens in WMP, it's the drivers, just get the win2k versions off of your manufacturer's site for both audio and video

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ok wink But after a day use of WinXP I've come to the conclusion that it sucks ***, I hate the "easy installing" I want to configure stuff myselfe. And its still to "beta" for me. Back to good old Win2K.

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and your telling us that...because??? It still configures the same way win2k does, so that excuse isn't even valid, but ok, do what you want.

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hey Im entitled to my own opinion however lame it is smile And I think WinXP is no good at the present stage.

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'easy installing' uhh i dont know what your talking about. Ive used XP from the begining when the pre-beta 1 builds were out, and as long as my hardware is configured right its always been faster and more responsive than 2k is. Not to mention a lot of the feature upgrades and things. If XP isnt stable for you its most likely due to bad hardware config. Im never going back to 2k, it would be like going from Windows 2k to Windows 3.11. XP has always done what i asked it to and more.

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