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Hi Guys,


I have been using Windows 2000 for more than a year now without any reinstalls. It has worked incredibly stable for me. Though since a week it is giving me very strange problems.


Like After 3 or 4 hours of computer use, it behaves like this.


When I right click, half of the menu is black and half is ok. When I right click the menu goes on the top left corner. The Title Bar is gone. No min,max,close buttons. Corruption in all menus and taskbar.

Everything gets dismantel. Then if I restart, everything is ok. I have Norton Antivirus Installed updated and no viruses found.



Please help on this.



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It's not memory or overheating problems is it? That would cause some wierd stuff like that.


Have you tried doing a "Last known good configuration"?


Any hardware in device manager screwed?


Does your computer slow down when this happens?


Describe the problem in a bit more detail.


Thats all I can think of at the moment.

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Try restoring the explorer .exe

I hope you have not installed the IE6.0 Beta. If you did it clean install for you since there is no way to remove it properly.

(I tryed it on one of my test machines smile )

Also check out your registry size, since it has been running over a year. And page Files.


I do not think it is anything overheating since the machine was working until recently. But I would suggest running a diagnostic on your video memory with something like Norton, Or just try playing one of the new games smile They seem to be using everything there is. But as I said it is verry rare a HW component to break down.


Also you might wanna do a proper test of your HDD since any corruption on there wil most likely effect your swap file and cause similar trouble.

And Last.

When the described problem occurs, can you terminate the processes? Have you given any Service/ sub service higher Priority? try restoring them if so!

Hope it helps!

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Thanks for the prompt reply guys,


Well there is nothing wrong in Device Manager, I only have threre devices, SB Live, Asus V7100 and a Network Card.


I installed IE6 Beta and removed it too. I play game every day on this machine like Counterstrike, NBA Live 2001.


The machine works at a good speed. Did not notice any problems with that.


I was thinking of installing a newer version of IE. Maybe that is the problem?


Any more suggestion?



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Then I believe your problem is related to IE6. and a corrupt explorer.exe.

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You are welcome.

Although I do not feel like I really helped you smile Just stated the obvious.

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