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connecting to interent through other comp?

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Hey guys, I have a quick question....i hhave heard you can connnect to the internet through another comp....how do i do it? Sadly its between two windows xp laptops..they internet is wireless(one of the laptops doesn't have wirelss card)....do i need progs or what? Thanks


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I assume that you have a router? If so, what you need is hardware, either another wireless PCMCIA card, or if the other system has a NIC card, connect the system to the router via a cat 5 cable.


Win XP will usually take care of the rest, unless you have the system encripted via the wireless router.

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The easisest and best way, (eliminating wires to the laptop) would be to get a wireless router. We use the Linksys wireless G which is backward compatible to 802.11b, thus works well with Linux too.

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k got ti working....i knew about the routers..maybe i misunderstood the reply or maybe i misstated...i meant one comp was on the internet and one had to connect to that comp and use its internet...but anyways solved the prob...i'll be back to linux when i get home hopefullly if the new dvd drive solves my prob=0


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