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Microtek "Scan Detect.exe" burns resources

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Moved from 98SE to 2000-Pro 'bout 90 days ago. Still working through some of the unforeseen problems; like Logitech's MouseWare drivers causing the system to reboot after the screen has been asleep for awhile. But that's a different story.


Just found out, by disabling one autoload program after another, that, if you leave a PC running unattended (ie..untouched) for 3-4-5 hours with Microtek's Scan Detect program (SDetect.exe) running in the background and then "click" anything on the desktop you'll get an "Insufficient System Resources.........." error. Have enabled and disabled Scan Detect with various combinations of: Screen Saver ON and Off; Monitor Shut Down On and Off; Hard Drive Shut Down On and off; and none of the above running (just turned the monitor off). Whenever SDetect.exe was allowed to load......crash, boom!


Sent an e-mail to Microtek asking them to identify every location on the HD where the program might be located, including the Registry. Be interesting to see what, if anything, they come back with after the July 4th Holidays.


Anyone else have a problem with this software?



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