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Can't boot up W2k, blue screen HELP!

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I uninstalled the drivers for my ORB disk drive and restarted. Windows found the ORB drive when I booted up again, and started to install the drivers. Something went REAL bad, causing the system to power off. I powered back on, and window would boot till the status bar was 1/2 way up, then I get a blue screen stating that windows failed to load and that I should run CHKDSK.


I use an old Win98 boot disk to get into DOS. That's all well and good, but I can't run CHKDSK from DOS! I can't find CHKDSK or SCANDISK on the C: drive or in the windows folder. I never made a W2k boot disk because my little brother keeps stealing all my floppies.


HELP!!! Is there any hope???

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Have you tried running the repair option or booting into safe mode?

FYI: the Win2k repair option: boot off the Win2k CD, select repair instead of install. Use the options that don't need you to find the Win2k install or use a repair disk.

Also, does the BSOD name any files in it, like a .dll or .sys file?

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Thanks for the help, but I stumbled thru it this morning. I made windows 2000 boot disks (all 4 of them!) on my 486/66 sh!tbox and ran the recovery thing.


Booted up and windows and uninstalled, reinstalled the orb drive. %@#$@!!! it did it again! Went thru the 4 disks again, cleaned the HD, and ran the recovery thing again.


All is well now.


Moral of the story: Never uninstall ORB drive!

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I've heard of problems with the ORB drives.

You don't necessarily need to make the 4 boot disks, but they are helpful in the case that you can't boot off a CD-ROM.

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The reason I tried reinstalling the Orb drive drivers is because I wanted the system to be able to boot w/o an orb disk in the drive.


When I had 98, you could do this, but it would hang for a few minutes during boot.


After upgrading to 2000, I discovered the machine had no problems booting with an empty Orb drive.


After installing Photoshop 6 (from the backup on my Orb drive), W2k would hang indefinately if the disk wasn't in.


Strange, huh? Think it might be a registry entry?

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