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WIn2k SP2 makes explorer.exe FREEZE!

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Ever since I installed SP2 sometimes when I would load Internet Explorer it would quit, and keep doing it until i restarted. Then I took off SP2. And now it doesnt do it! Anyone have this prob? Fix? I'm gonna go look let me know if you have any info.

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It's running fine on my Machine. W2K - SP2 & IE5 (128bit) If you are not running IE5(128Bit) try to upgrade to it and install SP2 again.


Good luck and let us know how you got on

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No offence but seeing all your problems.

God men where did u get that machine? or who built it. I have not yet met somebody who has so many problems on his machine.

I would suggest checking your memory components. (replacing that is) and being a lot more careful where you get you machine, parts from. cheap is usually bad!

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Win2k SP2 is a PIECE OF ****!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to install it SEVERAL times before it worked properly...


My machine can run for ever practically... I have had this computer with an uptime over a month... Did everything on it too, played all games, did all kinds of stuff.... installed, reinstalled, uninstalled... without a single reboot.... then my power went out. but i ihad the uptime till about 37 days or something... so dont say my machine is not stable... because it is.


and none of my parts are cheap... all high quality and high grade... TRUST ME! IT IS NOT MY MACHINE!


But I tihnk the problem is fixed... Sp2 sucked so much *** i had to uninstall it then reinstall it several times before it worked right... it works seamless now...


god damn you microsoft! blow me MS!

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these memory sticks i have found my my expierence better than those others.... besides, i am not overcloking my RAM so i dont know where you got that idea...


it has nothing to do with RAM though I figured out... my ram is fine... the entire system is fine... just win2k sp2 sucks *** is all....


win2k was fine by it self with out it... but i wanted an update of course who doesnt... but it is working now it just took a while to get sp2 working right for some reason... it does it on ALL systems i have tried it on... no one else has probs with sp2? weird... it sucks... but its fixed now.

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yeah i had problems with sp2:explorer crashed,memory could not be read msgs,cpu utilisation(?spelling?) stayed at 10% with nothing running,so its sp1 for me

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When you install stuff, do you clock your cpu back?


I see you are running an 800 @ 1000..

You will definatley see instabilities due to a cpu thats already maxed out when overclocking.

Try knocking your cpu down and then installing stuff, you might see a difference.

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LOL Sorry I shouldn't have criticised your machine maybe. but you've gotta see my point.


Half of your msg's are this sucks or that problem etc. I presumed they were all on the same machine.


Come to SP-2 I deploy it to every single W2K network i come across. we are yet to have any serious problems other that the odd machine every now and then. I guess you are just unlucky. It sometimes happens.


If you have patience for reinstall you might wanna try an integrated setup. that usually helps I hear. I have not tryed it myself. if it fails twice in our case I just tell them to replace that machine. :P

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yes of course i clocked it back to 800 no fix...


my system is amazingly stable at 1ghz... i was impressed actually.


but i have the probs fixed.... my system is perfectly stable... i checked my uptime and it was 22 days or so not bad at all... and i had put it through tons of torture and games and such.


my system is great

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