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Sudden errors with msvcrt.dll. Causing BIG PROBS.

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All of a sudden, whenever ANYTHING loads that has something to do with installshield (new or old) then I get an error in MSVCRT.dll which reads:


Title: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

MSCVRT.DLL for Win32

Error: MSVCRT.DLL is not compatible with Win32s.


Occasionally, I will also get a blank error box, with only an OK button on it.


It is becoming a real problem, as often during a program, I will get the error. If I leave it, the prog will close, and will usually take explorer with it.


I am on SP2, and HAVE tried getting the VC++ runtime files again.


I hope someone can shed some light on this situaton, cos I don't wanna have to format.

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Someone please try to help me.

It is getting to be a REAL problem now. Half of my programs wont run cos of this msvcrt.dll error. I almost couldn't run the B&W setup program the other day smirk

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