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Logitech Mouseware & XP RC1

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Hi All

Has anyone come up with a fix for Mouseware under Windows XP RC1? I have an I-FEEL Mouseman+ but Mouseware picks it up as a M-series 2 button mouse. I have tried both Mouseware 9.2F (came on the CD) and 9.0 off the Logitech site but to no avail. Copying reg settings from Win2k to WinXP resulted in no mouse at all!


I love WinXP and I really want to use it as my primary OS but this one problem is preventing me from doing that.

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I'm having the exact same problem as you.


I just got that Logitech iFeel mouse (Futureshop was selling them for $20Cnd, it's not going to fall apart on me in a few days is it?) and while the buttload of drivers worked fine in WinMe, the same buttload of drivers obviously don't know what to do with XP.


It seems that XP installs an MS made iFeel driver which as with any MS driver supports basic functions and that's all. So until there's a workaround or some magic drivers out there I'm just going to leave it alone frown

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Go to Logitech's website and download the newest MouseWare for Win2000. It was updated on the 12th of July.

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i am in the exact same boat as ri-rilot. i wanna use winxp but i need my mousewear laugh

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Has anyone tried the above suggestions with any success? I have gone back to Win2k for the moment as I needed my mouse for a TFC match.


Don't want to install then re-install if it doesn't work.

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Yeah. I am the leader of clan [cran]. We play in the UK clanbase league. Currently in hybernation due to 2 members being poached by another clan. We were ranked at 7 out of 42

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as far as I can tell, the logitech mouse family works good in most games but not any half-life variants (movement problems)


If you have problems withe the original logitech drivers, just use the winxp defaults, they work great (except HL)

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The mouse movement works fine but the problem is that I can't configure the 4 mouse buttons with the default mouse drivers. This can only be done from within Logitech mouseware.

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I have the I-FEEL mouse to....with another builds of xp didn´t work..

with RC1 works ? .....

What drivers version do i need...Immersion software 2.1.6 is the last one this works with xp ? And MouseWare 9.29.2 ...


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i get the movement problems whenever i install mousewear drivers. i installed the latest windows 2000 drivers, uninstalled, and my thumb button works in hl and q3. smile woot im happy now. the sensitivity is different, but i can adjust. (no mouse accel)

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I tried installing the latest Mouseware and Immersion software in Win2k comp. mode and they crashed.


The Mouseware works fine, it's the Immersion software that's not clueing in that our funky mice are suppost to shake.


Mouseware/Immersion works perfect in WinMe, just not XP frown

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