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Exchange 5.5 - Stopping spam

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I am runnin a exchange server 5.5 at my work. SMTP is open on the firewall and gets handed off to the server inside. Now, is there a way to filter unwanted mail? I can tell that SPAM is going thru, cause the admin box will get messages every once and a while that are from NOBODY or <> and have subjects like "lose 20lbs in 1 day"...


Currently I have routing off. But if I set up authenticaion, I wont get mail from some sites.


Anyway, I would appreciate any points in the direction..




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I can answer part of your question now and the rest later.

Those advistising bastards have programs scanning the web pages for e-mail adresses that is how you are getting spam in the first place.

I suggest you write some asp. that way they can not see the adresses etc.

about filtering I will get back to you today if possible.

But I have to put another exchange 5.5 up smile wish me patience.

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Here's the deal bud, you are probably being used as a relay to pass email hence the NDRs (Non Delivery Reports) showing up. Configure your server like this:




and you should be fine. You will note that having routing turned "off" is what generates the NDRs to begin with. Test your server as is outlined in the article, and you will be all set.

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Well he is faster than me....

Let us know if still having trouble.

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