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New 2 HDD acting wierd.. Please help

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I have just installed a second hard drive into my system, but I am getting a wierd effect... so I am hoping you guys might know how to get rid of...


In explorer (the file one not IE) where it lists your drives, files and folders etc there is a + symbol beside most folders to show they are close or a - to show they are open... which is normal and cool, but after I open a folder or two the +'s and -'s start disappaering, I have to close explorer down and reopen it again to see them.... I am getting this everywhere in explorer, and even after I formated so its BIOS resident setting that needs a kick in the teeth or I have installed something wrong. Its a small thing but I dont know if this means something is messed up and there is more to it. I have also noticed files that I download are corrupted when they finish and are done downloading.


I have a 30 gig Quantum ata100 as my master in the primary ata100 slot, and the old 20 gig Maxtor ata100 in the slave slot on primary slot (cool? or should I make the second hard drive master on the secondary ata100???) They are set to cable select if that makes any difference..


I also moved my dvd-rom and cd-rw to the IDE secondary IDE from IDE primary, could this be a problem??


I also updated to the 1008e beta BIOS for the A7V and with all these changes it's going to be hell trying to track this bug down by back tracking, so I am pleading for some help folks... also if there is something I need to turn on to make the system work with the 2 hard drives better (first time working with more then 1 HD) I am willing to give that a shot.


I have tried setting them to master and slave by jumper and still getting it, tried going to 1007 BIOS still getting it, Maybe its my new generic RAM? sigh I dont know I am praying there is a Win2k fix for this maybe something for adding another HDD that I need to turn on, or off. Tried 2 other forums and no fix so 3rd time is the charm right smile



Thanx in advance

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Have you done anything else, like upgrade IE?


Sounds like more of a problem with Explorer rather than hardware.

You could download SiSoft Sandra and run the test to make sure that your hardware is working OK, but I don't think that's the problem.




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Well I did a clean install when I upgraded but I think you may be right.... I disconnected everything but the one new drive and it still does it, even removed the new ram and it still does it.. Bloody thing. Well I guess I just live with it. BTW with the dvdrom/cdrw on the IDE which should it be on IDE primary or IDE secondary if I have the 2 hard drives on the Primary ATA100.. Also Cable select or jumper set them to slave/master? I have heard yes and no but on the Maxtor site its saying use Cable select if using a 80 pin cable, but wanna hear it from people who actully know the effects.



Thanx folks



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Set ur hard drives as masters on separate channels on the Promise ATA100 controllers and go back to the 1007 BIOS unless you really need the RAID function. Set your CD-ROM as master on the primary IDE channel on the chipset controller--the ones infront of the ram slots.

I have two maxtors, and I leave them on their separate channels.

Also, don't play with cable select, just do master and slave settings for the maxtors. Western Digital has their own set up, but that doesn't apply too well to maxtor or vise versa.

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Ok I am hearing leaving the my two IDE dvd-rom and cd-rw on secondary is best when using the ATA100 slot, any sence in that? But I will move the other HD to the secondary ATA10 as soon as I can get a new 80 pin cable, and set it by jumpers as it seems to be the thing to do, dont know why Maxtor says to use CS if everyone is saying go jumper go jumper.. Finding better sandra marks with the new 1008 BIOS and since when does the non-133 A7V handle RAID??


Thanx for the help man



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Ok I added the new ata100 cable today and getting a totally new problem, yay this is so much fun. I added each hard drive as master's, set by jumpers to there own port (primary and secondary) on the ata100 controller.. I booted it up.. Found the two drives and listed as they should be... Now I get into win2k loading the network and boom the system dies.. tried again boom system dies.. Switched power plugs from one drive to another same deal... After I reboot it looks for the ata100 drives and only finds 1! now. Well **** thats messed up, move the plugs again and it finds both then boom it locks at loading network and the sytem dies leaving the win2k screen up. I am guessing this is the Power supply, What do you think... Its a 300 watt running 2 hdd's, a cdrw, dvd-rom, sblive livedrive and floppy.. Never thought I would need more power for these but maybe this is the case.. But if thats right, why did it only start doing this when I put the drive on its on ata100 secondary slot... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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I think that when dealing w/ Ultra-33/Ultra-66/Ultra-100 drives, you're supposed to set the jumpers to cable select rather than master/slave. Not completely sure but you might want to try it out. Couldn't get my two hard drives working for the longest time no matter what combination I tried, but everything worked when I set them both to cable select.

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Just tried cable select and the same thing, It only works if I unplug one drive and boot from it. Come on someone has to have an idea on wtf this is.....

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I have a raid setup using a promise fast trak and dual maxtor 7200 rpm ata100 30 gig drives, one on Primary master raid cahnnel set to Master, using an 80 wire cable, the other is on the Secondary master, as a master, and connected with and 80 wire cable.

Go into the bios of the controller and CREATE THE ARRAY, or else the system wont see them very well. Then Install 2k to this dir and reboot, and everything should be fine.


Trust me.....dont do cable select.

Thats bad news, I have tried every config and this works the best (master). Using them both set up as masters they will have thier full ata100 bandwidth per channel.


With your remaining IDE devices, place them in the regular slots on the mobo. Place a burner alone on one as a master, and dvd/cd/hdd can all go master/slave after that on another channel (only 2 devices per channel though, and also assuming u wanna boot from raid array).


PS...you do know that cable select also requires a jumper setting right? You dont just rip out the jumper.

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Ok I do not have the A7V133, I have the first A7V without raid man. I just set everything to jumpered master (and yes I did set them to CS by jumper prior) and put my dvdrom and cdrw on the master IDE. Just ordered a new 350watt Enermax power supply as I can only see that being the problem here.. If anyone has any ideas I would be more then happy to try them, But I do not have the a7v133.




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