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geforce 3 and tv-out in winxp?

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Anyone used a geforce3 in winxp and tvout? How did it go and which brand do you have?


Im planning on getting a geforce3 but not quite sure yet I need good TV out capabilities!

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I have the ASUS V6800 (geforce 1) at the moment, upgrading to an ASUS V8200 gf soon .. however i believe ASUS have been using the same tvoutput chips on all theyr geforce cards .. including the gf3 .. I can't get the drivers to actually do tv out properly, however TVCC2000 works flawlessly with it. Should also work on a gf3 id guess...

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I´m using ASUS V8200 and XP RC1 with the nvidia drivers and the tv-out works very good....But the video-in doesn´t .....i need the drivers from asus to work with it.

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I believe that Asus uses the Chrontel tv chop for all of their nvidia based cards, and thus TVTool won't work with them, only TVCC2000. Anyway, I have a GF2MX, I don't know what brand though, but it has the chrontel chip, and it works flawlessly in both win2k and xp rc1, both with pal and ntsc. Im using the 12.90 drivers.

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