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problems with monitor shutting off....please help

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ok - i just reinstalled win2k professional from cd rom after reformatting....


now outta no where, my monitor will go black...not turn off, but more like as if the cord was not plugged fully into the video card. i made sure both are tight, and it worked fine before reformatting. i get the orange light, so i know there is power, etc...then i have to restart, and it works fine then.


i really need help on how to fix this.



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The resolution could exceed the monitor specification or the monitor driver files have not been installed.

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eh - i know my monitor can support 1280x1024....yet im running 1024x768 - and its just the same default drivers ive been using for the past two years...


i have a 3dfx voodoo5 5500 pci - - could that be going out? its not that old....

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I am staring to get the EXACT same thing as you. Are you using a VIA chipset motherboard and if so what version of 4in1's are you using?


I am seeing more of this problem on forums now, I bet there is a new driver somewhere messing this crap up.




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i never installed any drivers for the VIA chipset (i know i have VIA).....i just install Windows2000 professional....and its always worked fine until now



(before, i would dual boot Win98 & Win2k on the same hdd....but this is the first time installing 2k only on it...)

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I'm only researching driver compatability prior to upgrading to Win 2000 so I really know nothing about it, but is it possible the monitor going blank after awhile could be something as simple as having Power Management functions turned on? Huh...I don't even know if there is a Power Management function in Win 2000 but it was just a thought.




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You stated that you are running the monitor at 1024x768

at what refresh rate is this at???


The monitor may not support the refesh rate you have it set to, thus causing it to turn off.

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ok - i think i figured it out - i have a crappy 250watt power supply....and it is powering the mobo/processor, voodoo5 (it has to have a power cord going into the card itself), 3 hard drives, soundblaster 5.1 platinum


...so i thought that i might be powering too much (gee ya think smile?)

i unplugged one of the hard drives, and havent had problems since...i guess im just searching for a new full tower with a 350watt supply smile



thanks for your help people!

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