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woot got it working....

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Got my new dvd installed, and installing linux as i type this=p windows sucked having to be in it...anyone know any reason why my dvd drive was affecting the performance of my cd burner drive too? They both do feed into the same cable but still...i mean when i installed the new dvd drive dell sent, the cd burner started to work perfect again....any thoughts on why/


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Could have been a variety of issues that caused it.


1. Bad DVD drive


2. incorrect assignment of the pinning that assigned one to master and the other to slave.


3. Some dvd cdrw drives insist in being master or slave. Could be Dell was aware of the problem and chose to replace it with a more compatible drive for the system.


4. Loose cable connection that was corrected when you swaped the drive and reseated the cable.


If you did not have to send the old drive back, it would be interesting to see if it works in another system, one that has no current dvd or cdrw drive installed in it.

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