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Choppy games

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First off, here is my computer info:


AMD Athlon 700 (Slot A)

Asus K7M

256MB RAM (PC100)

ATI Rage Fury 32MB AGP

2x 20GB Western Digital IDE HDs

6x Pioneer DVD-ROM

Sound Blaster Live! Value

3Com 905B-TX 10/100 nic


SP2, DX8.0a, Critical Updates, and other enhancements from Windows Updates have been installed.


I installed Windows 2000 just today and I have noticed that with gaming (Half-Life and Monkey Island 4), they have been choppy with video playback (cutscenes from Monkey Island 4), sound (Monkey Island 4, Half-Life), and OpenGL / Direct 3D rendering (both games). With my previous operating system, Windows ME, I did not have any of those problems and had smooth gameplay, sound, video playback, etc. I have read a post regarding the same issue with an nVIDIA TNT/TNT2 video card and have tried some of the suggestions there, they didn't work. I have also read some FAQs in ATI, Creative Labs, AMD .. they didn't have anything regarding about this issue.


I've read the TechNet article regarding about DirectX 8.0 and reduced performance: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q278/6/52.ASP


that did not seem to help. I've tried both drivers from ATI (beta and non-beta), those didn't work.


I can go on and on about this (probably already have gone far enough). So .. anyone have a clue how to fix this? I don't really want to go back to ME or have a dual boot =(

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ATI is killing themselves with their drivers under 2k, but their drivers aren't much better in Win9x either.

Pick a GeForce any GeForce. Hell, a Voodoo 4 4500 performed just as well as a Radeon on my box, and I wasn't going to pay $200 for something that wasn't going to up my performance that little. I got me a Hercules GeForce 2 MX 32MB AGP and it kick @ss! Only $100, but you should be able to find a GF2MX for less online.


Until ATI gets their drivers right, I will not get their cards or encourage anyone else to do so either.

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i got the same card as brian, i must say, i've had this card since it's been released (payed $150usd)and it has been the best overall video card i have ever had, plus its a nice cool blue color.

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Unfortunately, due to the windows nature, choppy game performance could be caused by anything from poor (or low) system resources, to plain old buggy drivers or even hardware conflicts! However, judging by your system configuration and the fact that your games work fine under Me, it may in fact be poor drivers. Of coarse, it goes without saying to have the latest drivers for ALL your hardware, but you may have to prop inside the hood and mess a little. First back up any critical data and stuff, then disable all multimedia hardware (of coarse, this may not be possible with your video card). Then enable your hardware one by one and see if some peice of hardware may seem to cause the problem. If so, then voila! otherwise, it may be driver problems.

What I would also suggest is that you try a different video card. Some video cards are notorious for not being very compatible with NTx (NT/2k/XP). You may wish to try a simple yet compatible card. For instance, a vodoo banshee (my card), even though its old, and has only 16 megs of video memory, its still VEEEERY compatible with 2k, AND it offers resonable (if not stunning) game performance.

My first intuition is that your Nvidia (or ATI) card may be the cause of the problem. I've heard that Nvidia and ATI seem to not work well with windows 2000 in some cases, but I could be mistaken!


I hope some of these suggestions help.


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