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Hi I have just finished a clean install of XP rc1 and I seem to be having a few problems. My set up is as follows;


+ Abit VP6 with dual PIII 1Ghz 133

+ 1Gb SDRAM PC133

+ Master IDE Channel 1 IBM 15Gb ATA100 HD <- XP is installed on this!

+ Secondary IDE Channel 1 HP CDRW

+ Secondary IDE Channel 2 250Mb Zip Drive

+ Master Raid two Seagate HD ATA60 in Raid 0

+ ATI Radeon 64Mb DDR

+ SB Live Platinum

+ Pinnacle DV500

+ 3Com 10/100 Network Card


On the first boot everything seemed to be going fine, the boot time was very quick, nothing like as slow as 2k. But when it started to load the login screen the screen corrupted and the system froze.


So I went in to safe mode to see what was going on. The first thing I noticed was that the mouse and keyboard were very slow, but I believe this can be fixed by copying over the 2k ACPI.sys!?


I installed the ATI 2k 5.13.3102 drivers and rebooted. This time everything seemed to be ok. The login screen loaded fine but the mouse and keyboard were still slow. I entered my password and the desktop stated to load. Then when the bubble to tell me to look at the XP tour pops up the system resets, and it does this every time I boot up.


I've been looking around in safe mood to see if I can fine the problem but I can't and now safe mode seems to like dumping its self every few minutes.


So if anyone has any ideas please tell me.





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try disconnecting the RAID and remove non-key hardware such as NIC, sound card, some ram, ....check your bios settings, make sure your ram is set to the proper latency settings...etc....

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That was my next plan of action. But I think I may leave it until I get my new case.



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Don't know if it will help you but try the 5.13.3224 drivers for your Radeon. I'm using them and everything works fine.


I'm not running dual PIII's, just one 800 on CUSL2.

Looking at some of you guys setups makes me wanna go out and rob a bank laugh:P



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It's your VP6. There have been a number of issues with the acpi.sys and the VP6 board. I basically had to reinstall using MPS Multi and selecting MPS version 1.1 in the BIOS. Also, if you have a USB mouse, use the PS/2 adapter, that sometimes helps as well. This seems to be a known issue, as it's all over the MS newsgroups. I just hope they get it resolved before RTM :-)



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So are all my problems related to the ACPI.sys and the VP6?

How do you reinstall using MPS Multi?


I can now get into XP but if I try and change the res the screen corrupts and the system hangs.


Also when I shut down the system hangs and I have to go into safe mode uninstall the Garphics card and reset again just to get back in to XP.





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