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Norton Anti-Virus Question

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Today I recieved two copies of the New Email Worm "Sircam" in my inbox, I have Norton set to scan all emails as they come in, but it never picked up this file I also tried it on newsgroups with messages that reposrts said had viruses in them they never stopped it downloading the file.


Any ideas on how to setup Norton so it does protect me?


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According to the Norton/Symantec website, the latest AV updates contain definitions for the Sircam worm - these updates were released on July 19. See Norton website for more info.


If you update Norton Antivirus to download the latest virus defs, you should be protected.



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yeah I have all the updates (do it every few days) I am just abit worried that it never picks up viruses (or doesn't appear to)

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Yo don,


I received 3 copies of it to my hotmail accounts, the documents had the added .lnk (shorcut extension to them). When I downloaded one as is, NAV did not pick it up. BUT, when I downloaded it again, removing the .lnk so it was just a .doc, NAV picked it straight up.

I haven't received it to outlook, but I will send it myself and see what happens.

But I suspect that NAV will not pick it up with the .lnk extension as it the virus would not be able to execute, as the shortcut would be to a non-existent file.

I might be wrong here of course, but the virus will only run if you open it as it is supposed to be oened as a .doc


Like I said, I might be wrong, so please others put me straight if I am.

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Hi thanks I tried saving the file (had a .com extension) and got the warning that it was a virus and access was denied smile

at least I Know it works.

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I know how you feel don, you always wonder if that antivirus is working or not, and when something like this happens it restores your faith.

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