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Overclocking PS2 Mouse

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I have a Microsoft IntelliMouse 1.1A PS2


MeSoft PS2 Mouse Adjuster gives an error message, "Failed to get data for 'SampleRate'".


I can overclock the mouse from within Windows 2k to 100 Hz, but Mouse Rate Checker 1.1b shows it running at only 58 Hz.


Before, I could overclock the mouse to 200 Hz, and Mouse Rate Checker 1.1b showed that it was performing at about 150-160 Hz.


This happened after I changed my PC to an ACPI computer in BIOS, and reinstalled Windows 2k (with SP2 for the first time).


I have tried changing the Reistry Key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\ACPI\PNP0F13\4&2658d0a0&0\Device Parameters\SampleRate

to 200, but this does NOTHING.


This is hurting my precision in online games =(

I guess I could buy an USB mouse, which runs at 120 Hz, but besides it only running at 58 Hz, there is nothing wrong with the mouse.


So, any ideas what to do ?

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