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ADS Win2k does not recognize my DNS

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I just wanted to apologize first of all in case I've placed this message in the wrong forum.


My am majorly up the creek here as I have to setup up a Win2K network with Active Directory Services running.


I setup my Domain Controller with Adv Server Win2K and got started the installation of the ADS. When I got to the part where it asked me to enter the DNS that I have registered with an ISP I entered it (wackyday.ca) a message came back saying that it could not connect to the DNS server to see if dynamic updates was available. Just to let you know I have 2 Win2K Adv. Server running both running DNS with a registered DNS name "wackyday.ca" and that my DC is setup to point to that DNS in the TCP/IP setup.


Can anyone tell me how to get my DC with ADS to setup with my DNS to get the global services?


I am so screwed.


Sorry again

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Here's the lowdown on how you should have it setup. First, you should have had DNS boxes setup before your attempt at AD so you don't have two confusing problems at once. Now, how it would normally work is you setup a primary and a secondary DNS server for YOUR LAN. Understand that these are NOT meant to actually replicate and/or cache information from other DNS servers outside your network. In addition, they should NOT be setup to replicate any LAN info to outside DNS servers either.


OK, with that out of the way, this is my network layout works for my home LAN:



1. Two servers, both are domain controllers. They replicate domain database info back and forth to each other.


2. Both servers also host my DNS, and my "primary" (no such thing, but it's easier for me to work with in AD) AD controller is also my primary zone DNS server. My second server is also a DNS box, and is secondary for the same zone. They replicate LAN info to each other.


3. My "primary" server also hosts WINS for WINS-to-DNS lookup info since Win2K DDNS (Dynamic) didn't function all that well originally, and I then disabled dynamic up[censored].


4. My "primary" server is also a DHCP server, and issues all IP config settings to my PCs, which includes both my primary and secondary DNS servers, and the WINS location.


5. My primary DNS server is configured to forward all requests of unknown info (such as ntcompatible.com, microsoft.com, etc) to the DNS servers of my ISP (RoadRunner) and will then relay that info back to the workstation requesting it. Remember, since my servers (and yours too if you take my advice) are NOT configured to cache any domain info so they will ALWAYS request current information from the ISP DNS servers. This avoids the possibility of my DNS boxes holding out of date information.


So, I hope my relaying to you this information will better assist your layout mentality, so you can configure your servers to work more effectively.

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