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No Blue on Dell Monitor

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okay, i just got a 9-15 adapter cable for my Dell D1728-LS (Samsung) 17" monitor, it works great except for the fact that there is very little or no blue color at all, i took it apart and adjusted the hidden "Blue Bias" control, i can adjust the color blue, but it seems that i can't turn it far enough to get enough blue to mix with the Red and Green, i also played around with the "Blue Gain" and tried Powerstrip to adjust blue through software, all of which failed, i hit the degause button on the front, no effect on Blue, i degaused it manually....no effect. Just wondering if anyone has any experience repairing TV's or SVGA Monitors and if there's anything i can do, its a really great monitor becuase it has a good picture and i got it for free.



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