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How to prevent "network cable unplugged"-systray-b

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Everytime i shutdown my client pc there's that "balloonthing" (sorry i don't know how to call that) in the systray that tells on the server pc that the client has been shutdown. I there anyway to disable that? I reboot my computer several times a day (especially when i'm tweaking and have to reboot :)) and that balloonthing bugs my parents on the server...


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You don't specify, but I'm guessing that you have the computers connected directly, without a hub or anything... one way you could fix your problem is to put a hub between the computers. That way, even when one of the computers is off, the other will still have a valid link (to the hub). You should be able to get a hub pretty cheap online...

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Indeed, they are connected directly, with 2 nics on the server, a cable and a cross-over coupler. I'm not gonna buy a hub for that, it's not really a problem. I was just wondering if i could disable those balloony things :-)

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Ummm, i believe that only pops up if you want the network connectivity icon (the two little blinking computers) in the systray at all times. If you go to your network properties and uncheck the "show icon in taskbar when connected" box, then you shouldn't get anything popping up in your systray. I think this is what you are talking about, but i could have misunderstood the problem. Anyways, hope that helped.

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Unchecking that box will not fix it. Mine is unchecked and if I unplug my net cable I get that popup saying it is unpluged.

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The HD is out of space balloon is annoying too. I KNOW I'm running out of space you stupid POS. This is in the PRO version. frown I can understand the Home but the PRO??? and no way to turn it off???!!! Yet another reason why linux is looking better and better all the time. Almost done downloading the latest Slackware 8.0 extras!!!

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LOl smile I forgot about the "running out of space" ballon. Very annoying indeed.

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I'm sure there is a registry tweak for it. Try looking at a few websites with these tweaks in them, or look into some of the programs like tweakui or xteq systems' x-setup.

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