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Help with MIDI Question

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Can anyone tell me what is required to run/play midi's under NT?


Where can I get a compatable player for them (free shareware preferred)........ smile



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It doen't work! There seems to be no "player" available in my machine. weird....... it plays tones, etc. but no MIDI player. I also installed a shareware named Quartz AudioMaster.......... still nothing! When I go into my player, the MIDI stuff is "ghosted" out! Any other ideas????????



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I'm assuming (there's that word) that you've tried using Winamp.

When you configured your Winamp, did you go in and set the file associations? Winamp can be told to open any time a ".mid" or ".midi" file is selected.

Open Winamp. Right-click on the bar at the top of the display. Select "options", then "preferences".

Under Setup, click "File types". Be sure "MID" is in the list of associated extensions, and highlighted.

We use NT4 at the office where I work, and Winamp is the Midi player of choice.

Good Luck!

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