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Mike Zamarocy

Fun with DET drivers again - which one??

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Been awhile since I last wanted to update my video drivers, so I am way behind on the versions. I have a GF2 GTS card and currently am using the 12.41. I see we now have a new 8.04, a 12.9X and even a 14.20! I always see on the main page here, the blurb about a new driver and the link to download it - but I NEVER see a link to the explanation of what the new drivers do or fix, nor reviews as to if they are good or not. So, can anyone fill me in on these, or have a link I can go to research these? Thanks

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Hmmm, thanks Eddie. But when you tested, you did the 14.10. There it shows the 8.04 to be best, but now the 14.40 just showed up.


Also, on that link, one said that the 8.XX series was DX7 optimized? Aren't we on DX8 now? So wouldn't we want that more? Or did you mistype that DosFreak?


And I'd really like to find a link that explains what has changed in each driver, so I can tell what I am getting into, as well as choose what I will get into smile I remember the old versions, but now I am a bit confused. We had the 3.X, the 5.X, and the 7.X - then suddenly the 1X.XX and now the 8.X and the 12.XX and 14.XX. Could any of you kindly refresh me with what the laterst 12, 8, and 14's are all about? Thanks smile

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laugh I am sure you were going to anyway, hahahahahah.


But I still would like to know what changes there are between the 7, 8, 12, and 14 series drivers. Some have the Anti-Aliasing, some have different options in their menu, some might be optimized for this or that - I would like to know please.

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